Responsive Assignments
Assignments that adapt to your needs
Personalized to fit your resources, your teaching style, and your classroom.
Responsive to your resources
Lesson planning and prep are easier than ever. Assignments adapt to your daily needs with prompts, readings, rubrics, and more – or you can create your own.
Teach at your own pace, in your own style
Your curriculum, your way
Easily adjust your curriculum as your needs and goals change. Writable wraps around any curriculum and your state or district goals.
Explore HMH curriculum built into Writable
Build curriculum tied to your resources and goals
Flexible to your routine
Works with your tech
Work as a team
Work towards professional goals
Scaffold students for success
Writable helps you scaffold every part of the writing process to guide each student to reach their goal. Building a revision mindset is the key to growing great writers.
Respond to student needs in the moment
Differentiate the writing process
Use organizers, sentence starters, and more